The Strangelmans is the brainchild of Phil Sinnow, a comic strip following a fictional family and their endless misadventures. Phil insists that any likeness is coincidental, but his elder siblings begin to notice some eerie similarities between the events in the squares and their own lives. Where do we draw the line between inspiration and… Continue reading The Strangelmans
Wanstead Theatre Co present Alan Bennett's universally acclaimed Talking Heads Three women in a café. Each has a story. What secrets will you overhear?Aspiring actress Leslie prides herself on her professionalism, Celia’s nose for antiques is not as good as she thinks it is and Rosemary’s neighbour has just shot her husband. “Each of Alan… Continue reading Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads
The Strangelmans is the brainchild of Phil Sinnow, a comic strip following a fictional family and their endless misadventures. Phil insists that any likeness is coincidental, but his elder siblings begin to notice some eerie similarities between the events in the squares and their own lives. Where do we draw the line between inspiration and… Continue reading The Strangelmans