FAQs about Wanstead Fringe

Who are you?
Wanstead Fringe is an unincorporated association of volunteers whose aim is to support and encourage cultural activities in Wanstead. We’re not-for-profit – any proceeds we make go back into running future Fringes. Our chair is Giles Wilson.

Where do events take place?
Fringe events take place in local Wanstead venues: cafes, restaurants, community halls, churches, parks and any other space which can conceivably hold a performance or event.

What does the Wanstead Fringe do?
The Fringe brings together and co-ordinates performers, venue owners and volunteer organisers and helpers. The Fringe directly organises one or two events e.g. the open air Kinema, but mainly depends on all sorts of people running their own cultural events (talks, music, demonstrations, food, art etc). Organisers are free to sell tickets for their event if they need to – the Fringe itself doesn’t take a cut.

We help by selling tickets via our website and social channels on organisers’ behalf. We also do lots of publicity to help make events a success. We sometimes put performers and venues in contact with each other. But all the arrangements for the event including things like venues, performers, risk assessment and, if necessary, insurance, are the organiser’s responsibility.

How can I get involved?

  • Performer? Get it touch with your idea, we can put you in contact with venue owners, so you can develop your idea into a viable event
  • Venue Owner? We have contacts with performers who you can work with to create an event
  • Fringe Volunteer? We always need help – distributing leaflets, manning venue doors and checking tickets, helping with planning, assisting with social messaging and dozens of other task activities that go into making the Wanstead Fringe an annual success

How can I attend events?
www.wansteadfringe.org is at the heart of everything we do. It details events, providing venue location, times of performance and organisers – so ensure you are in touch by SUBSCRIBING. Many Fringe events are free, but where there is a charge, for example to cover performer fees and venue costs, tickets can be purchased directly on the event page.

Who designed your logo?
Cool isn’t it? It was designed by Wanstead’s own John Gilsenan, of I Want Design.

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